LED display brightness to determine the characteristics and advantages of analytical methods

Advantages of LED display

An area of ​​scalability, LCD area is difficult to achieve seamless large, LED display can be arbitrarily extended and seamless splicing.

2, LCD plasma screen flux decay rapidly, generally runs a year and a half or so, they need to be replaced, but the LED display under the same operating conditions for at least five years, no problem.

3, LED scraper machine can use interactive technology to enhance scraper machine as an interactive advertising medium between the audience and advertising, such as custom touch screen technology to achieve cloud broadcast control management.

4, in terms of display, LED display, high brightness, wide viewing angles and good color reproduction capability is better than LCD screens. LED scraper machine generally used in airports, shopping malls, hotels, high-speed rail, subway, theater, exhibitions, offices, etc., target customers and strong spending power, with a huge advertising value.

Analytical method for determining LED screen brightness

First, how to identify the LED display brightness

1, make yourself an easy connection to 3V DC power light-emitting diode, the best battery production. You can use two button batteries, packed in a small plastic tube and leads to two probes as positive and negative output end of the shrapnel made directly with a switch, when used, the positive and negative probes corresponding regular contact with light-emitting diodes Negative pin, hold the end of the switch, the light-emitting tube was electric light.

2, followed by light-sensitive resistor and digital multimeter combined into a simple metering device, the photosensitive resistance leads to two thin wires directly connected to the digital multimeter two tables pens, stalls in 20K multimeter position (depending on the light-sensitive resistors may be, try to make accurate readings), note that the measured value is actually sensitive resistor, so the smaller the value, the brighter the light.

3, take a LED light-emitting diodes, light up with more than 3V dc, hair bald and live close to being connected to the photoresistor good photosensitive surface, this time, the meter readings appear in order to distinguish LED luminous intensity.

Second, the differential luminance level is the human eye can distinguish between the image from the black to the white brightness level.

Some LED display gray level is very high, can reach 256 or even 1024. However, due to the limited sensitivity of the human eye brightness, and can not fully identify these gray levels. That may be a lot adjacent to the human eye looks gray level is the same. And the eyes ability to distinguish different person. For display, the human eye is naturally better identify the level, after all, is because the image is displayed to show. The human eye can distinguish the brightness level, the greater meaning of the display color space, showing greater potential for rich color. Identification brightness level can use special software to test, generally more than 20 display can even be a good grade.

Third, the brightness and viewing angle requirements:

Indoor full color LED display brightness to 800cd/m2 above the outdoor brightness full color to 1500cd/m2 above, in order to ensure the normal operation of the display, otherwise it will be too low and can not see because of the brightness of the displayed image. Size of the brightness of the LED die bad decisions. LED directly determines the size of the viewing angle of the display how much of the audience, and therefore the bigger the better. Perspective is mainly determined by the die package.

Determine the brightness of the LED display is very necessary, the current urban lighting brightness LED display requirements, or new regulations, high brightness LED screen, it will cause problems for nearby residents. In order to avoid adverse reactions, which requires businesses to customize and maintain the LED display when you need to have the relevant expertise.

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