Entries from 2014-02-01 to 1 month

Quality magnetic separator used to determine how the magnetic roller

Magnetic roller magnetic separator as a whole, and even can be said that the main components of the core components , which are the pros and cons in terms of quality will directly affect the quality of the magnetic separator on the quality…

Knowledge of the principles of the magnet

Magnet principles of knowledge Magnet means generating a magnetic field may be an object or material , usually made of metal alloys having ferromagnetic . Can be grouped into " permanent magnet" and " non-permanent magnet" traditionally . …

What are the mainstream of permanent magnets

Permanent magnets may not be maintained by the current magnetic field , the magnetization can be maintained by a constant magnetic , so called permanent magnets. It has as high coercivity , remanence and maximum energy product , the maximu…

Powerful magnet who is strong in hand

Powerful magnets Everyone knows what it is, is far stronger than the general magnetic magnet . Powerful neodymium magnets , the magnetic field is one that can produce objects or material, can be grouped into " permanent magnet" and " non-p…

Magnet manufacturer about magnet medicinal value

China magnet manufacturer tell you, magnetic therapy products on the market containing the magnet in the most dynamic magnetic instrument refers to a rotating magnetic field , the magnet gathering place falling , oxidation , and its magnet…

Experts say China has in the low speed maglev traffic core technology

China after 30 years of struggling to research, with independent intellectual property rights have mastered the core technology of low-speed maglev transportation . This means that China will become the world after Japan has a low-speed ma…

How to analysis the size of the magnet magnetic case

Why magnet with magnetic , is the Earth 's rotation and its magnetic field because of the strong current will continue to combine , and finally the entire planet becomes a big field . Mineral earth such as nickel, cobalt, iron and other su…

The aberration amid alluring and SmCo, alnico , ferrite magnets

Magnetic agency cool magnets, able magnets , the band of humans alfresco NdFeB magnets alarm .Magnetic able agreement are: NdFeB magnets.Strong band a able chat , you can assay the aberration with added magnets through able chat .First, th…