Experts say China has in the low speed maglev traffic core technology

China after 30 years of struggling to research, with independent intellectual property rights have mastered the core technology of low-speed maglev transportation . This means that China will become the world after Japan has a low-speed maglev line transport operators the second country .

Using this technology, low-speed maglev demonstration line transport operators (S1 line ) on February 28 in Beijing to start building . Experts said the move shows that China has low-speed maglev transportation system engineering , industrial capacity to implement its comprehensive technology has reached world advanced level.

Maglev is the use of electromagnetic force to offset the Earth's gravity, so that by means of the automatic control between the vehicle and the track to maintain a certain gap ( suspension gap of about 1 cm ) , suspended the train to run on the track . Compared with ordinary wheel-rail trains, with low noise, vibration, pollution, small turning radius and other characteristics , known as "zero height of the aircraft ." Its research and manufacturing technology is very complicated, it is an important symbol of national scientific and technological strength and industrial level .

From the beginning of the 1980s , the "father of Chinese maglev " known as the research group led by Professor Vincent Guofangkeda often , have a breakthrough -oriented control suspension , bogie, overall design and systems integration and other key technologies .

In 1999, the National Defense Science and Beijing Holdings Limited to undertake the "Eleventh Five-Year" key project of the National Science and Technology Support Program - " low-speed maglev transportation technology research and engineering applications ," the two sides in the United Nations 17 research institutes and enterprises collaborative research , the successful development of the test sample vehicle , engineering prototype vehicle , practical trains, building a pilot test line and a test line to realize the full localization of key equipment , forming a low-speed maglev transportation technology engineering capabilities .

According to reports, is located in Tangshan, north controlled trial of low-speed maglev transportation base test line 1.5 km long , 2 meters wide gauge , two maximum speed maglev train marshalling up to 105 km. Maglev train ride almost feel the noise , running very smoothly .

Director of the National Defense Science and Engineering Research Center of Maglev Technology Li Jie said the maglev train maximum effective carrying capacity of 15 tons, has a total run of 60,000 kilometers , vehicles , tracks and related equipment, cable operators fully meet the requirements . Its construction cost per kilometer than 300 million yuan , slightly higher than the current light rail, subway far below cost. With the industrial development of the low-speed maglev transportation , the cost will be fairly light rail for solving China's urban transportation problems and promote energy conservation, green development , the formation of high-end independent industry has a positive meaning.

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