Entries from 2013-02-01 to 1 month

Microsoft Win 7 users to launch IE download speed increased by 20%

February 27, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft on Tuesday released to millions of new users of IE 10 browser. Microsoft hopes that this latest version of the market-leading browser will win back the Google Chrome browser has be…

Chrome OS update adds automatic window management

Google Chrome OS is a lightweight open source operating system based on network platform has been in many areas there have been a lot of speculation that Google is developing a run Chrome OS laptop. Recently, Chromebook Pixel finally meet …

IDC: the Samsung ultra Apple into last year of smart connected devices market dominant

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 22 morning news, market research firm IDC on Thursday released a report last year, Samsung smart connected devices on the market beyond Apple, smartphones, tablet computers and PC sales grew more than doubled.The report…

Pass Apple's third quarter will be postponed Retina screen MacBook Air

February 20, according to foreign media reports Tuesday the industry came the two new products with Apple-related news, First, Apple plans to launch in the third quarter of this year with Retina display MacBook Air, another Apple will The …

Global PC shipments declined 3.2%, Acer CEO responded

According to IDC research data, the fourth quarter of 2012, global PC shipments of 89.8 million units, a year-on-year decline of 6.4%. For 2012 as a whole, PC shipments fell 3.2% compared with 2011. According to the data of the shipments, …

Assessment "nieuwe energie" buitenlandse media technologie bedrijf Apple IBM HP lijst

18 februari elektrische rijkdom Chinese netwerk heeft vandaag een artikel opgesomd in de felle concurrentie op de markt om de daling van de nederlaag en het succes van de vijf technologiebedrijven, waaronder Apple, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Pr…

Tablet the Gates show 82 inches Win 8 "unlimited" multi-touch

February 18 news, Microsoft originally conceived, Surface should be a shape like the Tablet PC, PC to support multi-user collaboration. This idea may be to stay in the mind of the Microsoft designers for a little while, but then, they feel…

In niet-apple de markt spectrum Ruiqie in supply chain van Lenovo

Apple aandelen F-spectrum Zwitserland (4966) als gevolg van over-afhankelijkheid van Apple orders vorig jaar, Apple geconfronteerd beleid sturing reparatie seizoen in het vierde kwartaal winstverwachting schatting gedaald tot onder vele de…