Microsoft Win 7 users to launch IE download speed increased by 20%

February 27, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft on Tuesday released to millions of new users of IE 10 browser. Microsoft hopes that this latest version of the market-leading browser will win back the Google Chrome browser has been transferred to the user, and help to establish a foothold in the rapidly growing mobile browser market, Microsoft.

Microsoft said IE 10 browser download site on the speed 20% faster than the IE 9 browser and support for touch-screen instruction. IE 10 browser since the end of October last year, has been to provide the Windows 8 user. Now, IE 10 will Windows 7 about 700 million users.

Microsoft hopes that the desktop and notebook computer users will like the new browser, consider buying a Windows 8 tablet, rather than the Apple iPad. The iPad can not run IE browser.

According market research firm NetMarketShare said, various versions of the IE browser in desktop computers still account for dominance, accounting for 55% of the browser market share of the entire desktop computer. However, in recent years, the Internet browser market share lost to Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Both the browser market share reached 20% and 17%, respectively.

Relatively small, but the rapid growth of the mobile browser market, Apple's Safari browser in the lead position, accounting for 61% of the market share, mainly due to the popularity of iPhone and iPad. Google Android browser market share to 21%.

Windows 8 Tablet PC including Microsoft's son's Surface Tablet PC, including sales since its launch in October last year has not very strong limits IE 10 popular so far. NetMarketShare said, only 2.3 percent of computer users are using Windows 8.

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