LED lighting industry usher in a comprehensive upgrade

According to "China to phase out incandescent road map", from October 1 this year, China will ban the import and sale of 60 watts and above ordinary incandescent lighting; starting from October 1, 2016, will ban the import and sale of 15 watt incandescent and above. The industry believes that the incandescent gradually discontinued, disabled, while electrical lighting industry will fully upgrade, especially the led strips in the future is expected to maintain 20% -30% annual growth. The Binhai New Area to take shape with the LED industry, will thus gain tremendous business opportunities.

LED lighting market to usher in positive

Industry sources, a couple of years ago, many consumers and even the concept of energy-saving lamps LED lights are difficult to distinguish. But now, with the popularity of energy-saving knowledge, LED lights in public buildings on the application of consumer awareness of LED lights has been greatly improved. Meanwhile, as the industry continues to mature technology, the price of the product becomes the former "unattainable" growing "the people." Over the past year, LED lamp manufacturing costs declined by more than 10%. The reporter then interviewed found that due to the price of LED lamps "dip" in the 58 city, transfer demand increased dramatically.

"Implementation" phase out incandescent road map "will promoteled tape to replace traditional light sources, butled tape on the relative price competitiveness of energy-saving lamps are still at a disadvantage, short is still difficult to become a major force in home lighting arena." China lighting Association official said, but because of rising government but with the promotion, technology maturity, and significantly enhance the public awareness of energy conservation, LED lights in the future is expected to maintain 20% -30% annual growth.

Reporters also noted that, LED industry has been facing the problem of lack of standards. "Power, light effects and other specialized indexes are the key elements of the consumer to judge the quality of products, but because of the lack of industry standards, many of these specialty products are not indicators on the packaging label." In the industry view, many companies sided to promote the product price advantage, leading consumers to choose a low price, there is no guarantee of product quality. According to reports, the current LED lights normal manufacturing costs, not less than 6-7 yuan / watt, consumers in the purchase price of LED products do not blindly pursue, you should learn more about the professional indicators, quality assurance cycle.

Marina LED industry targeting opportunities

In the industry view, competitive LED products, and ultimately from pure price competition, to the comprehensive competitive price, quality, brand and so on. In recent years, the District's LED industry takes shape, the basic formation of the industrial chain, currently directly involved in the development of semiconductor lighting technology and product production and application of dozens of companies gathered Saman electronics, lighting equipment and a number of Samick leader .

"Our products are sold in the country of nearly 20 million. Currently some public building in Tianjin Development Zone, Tianjin Eco-city's facilities and businesses large number of applications of ourflexible led strip products.

How LED lighting entrepreneurs make strategic decisions?

Throughout the course of business, money plays a small business to do big, from weak to strong a witness, it is the business realize the value of a prop business goals. Role in the enterprise as the ratio of the human body is like flowing blood. Only the constant flow of blood in the body, life was able to continue, but not in one's life blood for the purpose, it is just an integral part of our lives, we still thought there goals and values ​​in life. The amount of blood and the body weight is a certain proportion is not better.
When it comes to money off, where it has two meanings.

First, the corporate front, LED lighting companies to operate it is necessary to liquidity and capital reserves to ensure the healthy development of enterprises, and not because of lack of funds led to a corporate enterprise operational difficulties. And this fund consists of two elements, one of the original investment business, the second is the creation of the enterprise itself constantly in the process of development and accumulated profits, as we have humanity itself as hematopoietic function, rather than the need for continuous injection of external funds.

Second, as entrepreneurs, we must shut over money. We can not put money as the sole pursuit of personal goals, in this regard, was later hailed as "commercial holy" Fan Li gave us did a very good example. Fan Li migratory life three times, each time migration because of his vast wealth accumulated at the local, wealthy, reached the pinnacle of life, he knew the truth extremes meet, bring disaster to eliminate successful, Fan Li Zhangyishucai, charity, every before the migration times will put their possessions accumulated over millions of donated out. Fan Li three migration in Vietnam as Fan Li, Yi Qi for the owl child, in Wu Tao Zhu. Historian Sima Qian said: "Fan Li Rong Jie moved three names." The reputation of the world: "loyalty that country; wisdom to preserve one; providers to get rich, famous in the world." Entrepreneur if we could live off the money, so that can be hired able to retire, to be able to much less, then, is not only our business bigger and stronger, but also because LED lighting entrepreneurial careers and reputation spread far and wide.

When we understand the relationship between money and corporate and individual, how to deal with the relationship between enterprises and banks, we will be able to properly treat and grasp. In fact, for a healthy LED lighting companies, is not required to purchase price, as a healthy person is not required blood transfusion, businesses should be based on the size of the operators ability to operate naturally LED lighting business, the ability of operators strength is proportional to the size of the enterprise. Like a person can only be a good mayor, insisted to let him go when the county, a county suddenly let go when the governor, as he might do it handy in the original position, but it is beyond the scope of his ability he is likely to do well. In fact, doing business is the same, we must do business in accordance with its own laws according to their comprehensive ability, so that the vitality of enterprises will be strong, despite the LED lighting business is not necessarily great, but it certainly is very strong. We run together so it will feel very relaxed. But unfortunately, many people do not understand this truth, no matter how much ability they have, trying to seek personal gain, one-sided emphasis on "high, big on," As everyone knows, beyond a matter within the scope of their abilities will be powerless. Doing business is the same, LED lighting business is not always better, and LED lighting companies comprehensive ability to match a team like.

Bank for LED lighting companies, is like a blood bank, real LED lighting business is healthy do not need a blood transfusion, if an LED lighting company itself is not immune and hematopoietic function, even constantly give him a blood transfusion is of no use, only accelerate the LED lighting business of death. Additionally, the bank is not free agency, if an LED lighting business for transfusion dependence, once the bank to stop the transfusion immediately enterprises facing difficulties. The so-called "as also Xiao, Xiao He lost to" not surprising.

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Parking LED energy-saving technology program analysis

Underground parking lot lighting, because it is a long continuous lighting, if ordinary LED fluorescent lighting, one lamp beads affected by high temperatures for a long time, decay quickly; Second, in the middle of the night when no one is wasting electricity, so To solve the underground car park lighting, it must be done greatly extend the life of LED lamp, while energy-saving, which must consider the parking lot of the environment, so intelligent. With many years of LED research and development experience, the following analysis of three parking flexible led strip solutions program.

To stick with the pace of the industry's advanced, energy-efficient LED lighting in general parking lot using the human body infrared sensor technology and microwave radar sensor technology and electronic sound and light control sensor technology, due to the shape beautifully designed, stylish, good heat dissipation, high brightness, light uniformity, not glare, and can delay automatic extinguishing human infrared sensor products, has become the best choice for parking.

Features Voice program is to detect ambient sound environment, if the surrounding environment is too noisy, it is easy to have lights; Conversely, if too quiet around, you might not trigger, so it is important to set the sensitivity for the problem, with the sensitivity and adjustable time program, users can set their own sensor sensitivity according to the ambient environment.

Features induction program is to detect human pyroelectric infrared body issued, using Fresnel lenses to collect human infrared energy, an obese person, more infrared energy emitted, whereas the infrared energy emitted by the little man less, Therefore, obese people and skinny people sensing sensitivity, generally sensing distance of 2-4 meters, and someone to fit the occasion. Since the pyroelectric infrared sensor for detecting infrared body, the body's temperature is usually 37.5 degrees, while the temperature near the led tape LED lamp head is generally about 40-45 degrees, so the temperature and fluorescent light interference is relatively large. To address this issue, in particular, has developed a light insulated compartment lamp, can effectively solve the problem of interference of light and heat of the interference. General recommendations, the body is more adapted to the induction fluorescent corridor, if applied to the parking lot, you need to confirm the relationship between environment and people around you. In the first use, CPU cycle time needs to be reset, triggering the start of the second is accurate.

Smart radar sensor is the first program, the main program using the Doppler principle, the microwave transmitting radar signals around 5.8GHz, when a moving object enters into the fields of radar, the feedback signal to the receiving circuit can thus change the trigger circuit working condition. General sensing distance can reach 5 - 9 m, as long as the object moves can trigger. Although its object is triggered in the range, if not move, is still not triggered. Radar sensors can penetrate non-metallic objects, such as gypsum board, wood, etc., especially suitable for concealed installation. The effects of radar interference induced by relatively small, and relatively high sensitivity and is particularly suited to the underground car park led strip light solutions.

LED display brightness to determine the characteristics and advantages of analytical methods

Advantages of LED display

An area of ​​scalability, LCD area is difficult to achieve seamless large, LED display can be arbitrarily extended and seamless splicing.

2, LCD plasma screen flux decay rapidly, generally runs a year and a half or so, they need to be replaced, but the LED display under the same operating conditions for at least five years, no problem.

3, LED scraper machine can use interactive technology to enhance scraper machine as an interactive advertising medium between the audience and advertising, such as custom touch screen technology to achieve cloud broadcast control management.

4, in terms of display, LED display, high brightness, wide viewing angles and good color reproduction capability is better than LCD screens. LED scraper machine generally used in airports, shopping malls, hotels, high-speed rail, subway, theater, exhibitions, offices, etc., target customers and strong spending power, with a huge advertising value.

Analytical method for determining LED screen brightness

First, how to identify the LED display brightness

1, make yourself an easy connection to 3V DC power light-emitting diode, the best battery production. You can use two button batteries, packed in a small plastic tube and leads to two probes as positive and negative output end of the shrapnel made directly with a switch, when used, the positive and negative probes corresponding regular contact with light-emitting diodes Negative pin, hold the end of the switch, the light-emitting tube was electric light.

2, followed by light-sensitive resistor and digital multimeter combined into a simple metering device, the photosensitive resistance leads to two thin wires directly connected to the digital multimeter two tables pens, stalls in 20K multimeter position (depending on the light-sensitive resistors may be, try to make accurate readings), note that the measured value is actually sensitive resistor, so the smaller the value, the brighter the light.

3, take a LED light-emitting diodes, light up with more than 3V dc, hair bald and live close to being connected to the photoresistor good photosensitive surface, this time, the meter readings appear in order to distinguish LED luminous intensity.

Second, the differential luminance level is the human eye can distinguish between the image from the black to the white brightness level.

Some LED display gray level is very high, can reach 256 or even 1024. However, due to the limited sensitivity of the human eye brightness, and can not fully identify these gray levels. That may be a lot adjacent to the human eye looks gray level is the same. And the eyes ability to distinguish different person. For display, the human eye is naturally better identify the level, after all, is because the image is displayed to show. The human eye can distinguish the brightness level, the greater meaning of the display color space, showing greater potential for rich color. Identification brightness level can use special software to test, generally more than 20 display can even be a good grade.

Third, the brightness and viewing angle requirements:

Indoor full color LED display brightness to 800cd/m2 above the outdoor brightness full color to 1500cd/m2 above, in order to ensure the normal operation of the display, otherwise it will be too low and can not see because of the brightness of the displayed image. Size of the brightness of the LED die bad decisions. LED directly determines the size of the viewing angle of the display how much of the audience, and therefore the bigger the better. Perspective is mainly determined by the die package.

Determine the brightness of the LED display is very necessary, the current urban lighting brightness LED display requirements, or new regulations, high brightness LED screen, it will cause problems for nearby residents. In order to avoid adverse reactions, which requires businesses to customize and maintain the LED display when you need to have the relevant expertise.

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Subsidy policy will be of the LED lighting market

June 10 is the national day of low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction in pressure that is expanding in all areas of low-carbon is deepening. When Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of the NDRC 9 am to attend the Fifth Ditan forum, said China's energy saving is expected to lag behind schedule, completed the goal needs to continue its efforts to strengthen the focus on low-carbon energy next corporate financial support and tax incentives.

In the field of energy saving electricity, the substitution effect of LED outstanding. According to Xinhua News Agency reported that China and the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility, "China to phase out incandescent light, speed up the promotion of energy-saving lamps" project (hereinafter referred to as Pileslamp) 5 years, that is the end of 2009 -2013 cumulative annual production capacity of 6.5 out of incandescent billion, accounting for about 16% of the then National incandescent production. Lu Fang, deputy director of the project PMO zhengbao reporter said the next step will be eliminated in accordance with the national road map to accelerate the replacement project forward.

Reporters learned more from Pileslamp PMO, energy-saving lamps subsidy policy in 2008 will be completed by the end of this year onwards, the current NDRC, the Ministry of Finance and other departments are studying financial subsidies to promote LED lighting products, policies, and efforts will be in the form of subsidies to promote energy-saving lamps based on the combination of features LED lights be adjusted accordingly.

According to reports, energy-saving lamp life of more than 6000 hours, six times of incandescent, energy-saving alternative to incandescent lamps can be 60-80%. LED lamp life is about three times the energy-saving lamps, power consumption is only about 60%. Xie Zhenhua at the project launch ceremony was introduced, "out of incandescent project" expect the direct effect of about 40 million kilowatt-hours and saving capacity 4.4 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 10 years after the end of the project to achieve one hundred million tons of carbon dioxide emissions 1.75-2.37 .

In recent years, carbon emission constraints tight. Country in 2011 to phase out incandescent released roadmap shows from October 1 this year, banned the import and sale of 60 watts and above ordinary incandescent lighting. With the roadmap midterm evaluation time, the speed will further accelerate the phase-out. A listed company executives LED zhengbao reporters that last year the country's total lighting market 260 billion, nearly 80 percent share of all energy saving lamps, LED according to a 2015 market share of 20% -30% of the data is calculated, LED huge potential.

"As energy-saving lamps contain mercury, environmental damage, that many local governments have eliminated subsidies for energy-saving lamps, LED home lighting cost and environmental effects have been fully reflected, and now look forward to the timely introduction of LED subsidies." He said.

Analysis of the industry, LED industry, the economy began to pick up last year, a few years ago 5W LED lamps are 3-4 times the price of the same brightness energy-saving lamps, but in recent years, the speed of the upstream chip prices fell by about 30% per year, the cost of Heavy to 2013 LED end-product prices are basically flat with energy-saving lamps, LED industry is expected to enter Phase comprehensive alternative to traditional lighting products.

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Subsidy policy will be of the LED lighting market

June 10 is the national day of low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction in pressure that is expanding in all areas of low-carbon is deepening. When Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of the NDRC 9 am to attend the Fifth Ditan forum, said China's energy saving is expected to lag behind schedule, completed the goal needs to continue its efforts to strengthen the focus on low-carbon energy next corporate financial support and tax incentives.

In the field of energy saving electricity, the substitution effect of LED outstanding. According to Xinhua News Agency reported that China and the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility, "China to phase out incandescent light, speed up the promotion of energy-saving lamps" project (hereinafter referred to as Pileslamp) 5 years, that is the end of 2009 -2013 cumulative annual production capacity of 6.5 out of incandescent billion, accounting for about 16% of the then National incandescent production. Lu Fang, deputy director of the project PMO zhengbao reporter said the next step will be eliminated in accordance with the national road map to accelerate the replacement project forward.

Reporters learned more from Pileslamp PMO, energy-saving lamps subsidy policy in 2008 will be completed by the end of this year onwards, the current NDRC, the Ministry of Finance and other departments are studying financial subsidies to promote LED lighting products, policies, and efforts will be in the form of subsidies to promote energy-saving lamps based on the combination of features LED lights be adjusted accordingly.

According to reports, energy-saving lamp life of more than 6000 hours, six times of incandescent, energy-saving alternative to incandescent lamps can be 60-80%. LED lamp life is about three times the energy-saving lamps, power consumption is only about 60%. Xie Zhenhua at the project launch ceremony was introduced, "out of incandescent project" expect the direct effect of about 40 million kilowatt-hours and saving capacity 4.4 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 10 years after the end of the project to achieve one hundred million tons of carbon dioxide emissions 1.75-2.37 .

In recent years, carbon emission constraints tight. Country in 2011 to phase out incandescent released roadmap shows from October 1 this year, banned the import and sale of 60 watts and above ordinary incandescent lighting. With the roadmap midterm evaluation time, the speed will further accelerate the phase-out. A listed company executives LED zhengbao reporters that last year the country's total lighting market 260 billion, nearly 80 percent share of all energy saving lamps, LED according to a 2015 market share of 20% -30% of the data is calculated, LED huge potential.

"As energy-saving lamps contain mercury, environmental damage, that many local governments have eliminated subsidies for energy-saving lamps, LED home lighting cost and environmental effects have been fully reflected, and now look forward to the timely introduction of LED subsidies." He said.

Analysis of the industry, LED industry, the economy began to pick up last year, a few years ago 5W LED lamps are 3-4 times the price of the same brightness energy-saving lamps, but in recent years, the speed of the upstream chip prices fell by about 30% per year, the cost of Heavy to 2013 LED end-product prices are basically flat with energy-saving lamps, LED industry is expected to enter Phase comprehensive alternative to traditional lighting products.

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LED lights can be replaced with pastel colors?

Hung reflect the public in recent years, a lot of shopping malls and office buildings outside the city center have launched Longgang LED lights, but most of them are white, although the white LED lights very bright, but not soft, and from the perspective of car pedestrian's perspective, this color is a bit cold, can be replaced with soft colors such as orange dots?
Recently, the reporter visited in Longgang Town Center noted that in a number of intersections along Lung Cheung Road, in the evening hours, LED street light is very bright indeed, far more able to see a bright light, but a bit harsh, it is for the owners particularly evident.
In this regard, Longgang District Urban Management Bureau official said, the public has LED lights color argument does make sense, in recent years, urban management bureau also continue to study how it can be improved. Initially, the color is yellow street lamps, later changed to LED lights, it becomes a white light.
The official said that in many places in the urban area used is white, and the city later in order to maintain consistency, so it chose the white LED lights. 2013 changed the group, so this group are white, then, in 2014 to 2015 is also preparing to change two to three batches, the next will take full account of the views of the public, combined with expert advice and full evaluation, fight to get a more scientific conclusions.
Some people said that according to his understanding, in some developed countries and regions, the use of street lights are orange-red, and only in special sections only with white, it is recommended that, if in some spacious trunk, yellow street lighting is not enough then, you can use white lights, but not too spacious secondary roads or road, whether using the orange LED lights?
Longgang District Urban Management Bureau official said, LED street reconstruction issues, urban management bureau has done a lot of work, because the LED lights are energy-saving products, energy-saving or to the next promotion, because wants to save, or to change this.
The official said that the degree of penetration and incandescent lighting is indeed better, in fog and haze, when orange and yellow lights penetration is relatively poor. Meanwhile, the incandescent glare, will feel the glare, while orange and yellow light will warm some people will look feel very comfortable, warm, and so the next city departments will communicate, to see how to improve.
Energy-saving LED lights under the premise of ensuring the brightness in the premise, but also to consider the public's travel experience, brightness and comfort will be fully integrated in order to truly implement the humanities city.

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