Entries from 2014-05-01 to 1 month

LED street light has entered a golden period

With the development of the times, the city's night and ultimately it 's always decorate . Regardless of where to go , in that gorgeous piece of lighting are you trek direction. Lights, everywhere, but it truly shines every city in the eve…

Modern design style of LED lamps The beauty of the full display balance

Modern lighting has become your fans are involved in the design field, and how to apply modern design style and the integration of practicality, also became the most attention to the designers. Recently, a man named Sandro Lopez designers …

Hong Kong airport with LED energy-saving lighting design

Promotion, popularization and application of LED lighting technology and a wide range of products, so all types of energy-saving lighting in the country places possible and trends. However , in the specific energy-saving lighting projects …

How to choose the right LED Lighting Supplier

Before the era of the rise of the lighting industry , domestic demand continues to adjust the structure of the economy and living standards , the rapid growth of the national and cultural qualities , combined with the real estate driven by…

Office lighting can affect your happiness ?

Look around your office , a small one desk , and what you can not do without ? Tables, chairs, computers, hand coffee, oh , yes, there is light. No matter how much you reluctantly , had to face the fact that our internet lengthen working h…

LED lighting era of marketing breaking

Now the lighting industry is growing at rapid , Cuikulaxiu trend completion of industrial upgrading and transformation , traditional marketing methods , although effective , useful but limited. If you or the continuation of the previous pl…

The thunderstorm weather LED display how to prevent lightning?

The present national entered the summer, summer thunderstorm weather, the weather is also on the LED screen test, electronic components in the LED display high degree of integration, the jamming sensitivity is also more and more high, ligh…

Development of China's LED detection technology

In the LED detection technology, because of the difference between the properties of LED product with the traditional light source. The LED luminous and junction temperature are closely related, in optical LED products and photoelectric pa…

Affect the configuration of the power LED integrating sphere test system tests

As we are familiar with laptop backlight, is a combination of a number of LED lamp beads , the color problem has become increasingly evident . If the LED is not using the same batch of beads , then easily lead to different wavelengths , co…

LED lighting industry has four major unspoken rule

Unspoken rule is everywhere, not limited to officialdom, lighting lighting industry is also full of unspoken rule. If you want to in the industry mix, unspoken rule is a required course, otherwise it will fall.Small make up, found that the…

Domestic enterprises provoked U-LED and OLED dispute

The first quarter of this year , the hot TV market constantly , foreign TV brands have launched new products , to seize the commanding heights of the market , display technology and content applications become mainstream technology breakth…

Large LED display stitching program

With the spacing smaller LED screen , LED pixel matrix density per unit area under increasingly high. Therefore, the demand for large outdoor performance stage , an indoor theater, the stage show , command system is concerned, a number of …