Office lighting can affect your happiness ?

Look around your office , a small one desk , and what you can not do without ? Tables, chairs, computers, hand coffee, oh , yes, there is light. No matter how much you reluctantly , had to face the fact that our internet lengthen working hours, this may become a long working 12 to 16 hours a day. Tables, chairs, computers, lights , and so something with your work , but also increasingly affect your morale , productivity and health. For example , the relationship between fatigue and chairs with height , angle and cervical computer relationship , yet most overlooked , is the relationship between light and dark with emotion.
In fact, this effect years ago, Hawthorne experiments get verified . Hawthorne effect (Hawthorne Effect) is the origin of a series of experimental studies between 1924-1933 in , by Harvard psychologist George Elton Mayo (GeorgeElton Mayo) research team led by Professor made ​​this concept. Experimental study is the beginning of the relationship between working conditions and productivity , including the impact of the external environment conditions ( such as lighting intensity , humidity ) and psychological factors ( such as rest interval , team pressure , working hours , managers leadership ) . Researchers generally agree with the physical condition of the office environment lighting , noise, humidity has a greater impact on employee productivity . They believe that if employees work more moderate conditions , its efficiency and performance are bound to be raised.

London Metropolitan University job performance center director Professor Jo Silvester and her partner research shows : the sun has a positive effect on subjective well-being of employees ; employees are more willing to work in the position of a window or natural light exposure. However, the nature of modern work meant to let many employees bathed in natural light is not always feasible . This highlights the need for employees to understand the application of artificial lighting happiness and performance of direct or indirect effect on .

What kind of light best suited to the office environment? Department of East China Normal University , doctoral tutor Professor Cui Lijuan from two dimensions of space and time to tell us how light acts on the spiritual world .

Spatial dimensions

With the diversification of the market economy and changing the operating structure of the company type , department, degree of independence and independence of the staff will make a big difference , so now the company slowly began to focus on division office area , a different area to the staff to create a different atmosphere. And it is that the lights flash in the pan , it can help us create this different atmosphere.

1 Shared office

Shared office in one of them , using a single large main light possible? Can not. Why ?

First, from the office on the pattern of division , we certainly would like to move closer to the main light source , thus limiting the arrangements and chairs placed in position flexibility.

Second, from the psychological experience , such lighting arrangement , it will make sitting in the office "dark" corner outlier employees to produce a psychological sense , office groups feel they have been marginalized and not taken seriously , it will be greatly reduced identification with the company. While sitting in the "center" of the staff , was a strong light irradiation, also produce anxiety , tension, affecting work .

2 lounges

The lounge is a place to relax , but also an important part of the company humane management , relaxation lounge is represented . I ask, if you can relax in the lounge with a cool light it?

No, because the cool lighting give people a feeling of cold , it is difficult to relax under the cool light , nervous , and even inspire people a strong desire for self-protection .

How to do ? We can use warm light , because light is to create a warm and friendly , warm atmosphere , and this time it will relax the brain and muscles , resulting in a break. At the same time the environment in the design , you can also consider the color of the wall color and lighting combine to make people feel warm at this time , to achieve the purpose of relaxation .

3 conference rooms

Meeting room functions generally more complex , and sometimes need to relax in the conference room about, to the point of brainstorming , but sometimes meeting room will be a very serious matter .

The best in the conference room lights can be switched , for example, when reading , the light focused on the desktop , allowing employees to use when brainstorming warm diffuse light .

Time dimension

As we all know , each person daily , monthly, quarterly activities are as light and dark rhythm works, in the process of human being activated , the sleeping sleep, wake up when the awake

A daytime office workers. Under low light conditions they will feel slack. Because of insufficient light will enhance the secretion of melatonin , disrupting the biological clock staff , reduced efficiency , thus affecting the health, of course, will affect the work efficiency. For office workers during the day and what the most appropriate lighting it? Maximize the use of natural light , which is not only conducive to energy conservation , and more importantly, it is bright and soft , to our mind have a good effect, so this time if we will combine the use of artificial light and natural light , it would daytime office workers create the most comfortable environment.

2 crazy overtime family. Good bosses do not let hard overtime in the dim light . From the physiological mechanism , the brain after receiving stimulation due to light , may regulate the secretion of melatonin , which affects sleep and wakefulness mechanisms. In addition , in terms of psychological mechanisms , dim lighting gives the impression that relatively desolate, neglected .

In short, we find a way for our staff to create the closest natural light illumination , because the closer to nature, the more people feel safe and comfortable. Therefore , our office designed and constructed to be close to natural light , light to moderate to strong intensity , partial color white , light rhythm weaker . For high-end office space has a large company, even a bad lighting conditions affect 1% of the staff 's attention, think about it, it will be equivalent to reducing the company how much revenue it?

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