LED lighting industry usher in a comprehensive upgrade

According to "China to phase out incandescent road map", from October 1 this year, China will ban the import and sale of 60 watts and above ordinary incandescent lighting; starting from October 1, 2016, will ban the import and sale of 15 watt incandescent and above. The industry believes that the incandescent gradually discontinued, disabled, while electrical lighting industry will fully upgrade, especially the led strips in the future is expected to maintain 20% -30% annual growth. The Binhai New Area to take shape with the LED industry, will thus gain tremendous business opportunities.

LED lighting market to usher in positive

Industry sources, a couple of years ago, many consumers and even the concept of energy-saving lamps LED lights are difficult to distinguish. But now, with the popularity of energy-saving knowledge, LED lights in public buildings on the application of consumer awareness of LED lights has been greatly improved. Meanwhile, as the industry continues to mature technology, the price of the product becomes the former "unattainable" growing "the people." Over the past year, LED lamp manufacturing costs declined by more than 10%. The reporter then interviewed found that due to the price of LED lamps "dip" in the 58 city, transfer demand increased dramatically.

"Implementation" phase out incandescent road map "will promoteled tape to replace traditional light sources, butled tape on the relative price competitiveness of energy-saving lamps are still at a disadvantage, short is still difficult to become a major force in home lighting arena." China lighting Association official said, but because of rising government but with the promotion, technology maturity, and significantly enhance the public awareness of energy conservation, LED lights in the future is expected to maintain 20% -30% annual growth.

Reporters also noted that, LED industry has been facing the problem of lack of standards. "Power, light effects and other specialized indexes are the key elements of the consumer to judge the quality of products, but because of the lack of industry standards, many of these specialty products are not indicators on the packaging label." In the industry view, many companies sided to promote the product price advantage, leading consumers to choose a low price, there is no guarantee of product quality. According to reports, the current LED lights normal manufacturing costs, not less than 6-7 yuan / watt, consumers in the purchase price of LED products do not blindly pursue, you should learn more about the professional indicators, quality assurance cycle.

Marina LED industry targeting opportunities

In the industry view, competitive LED products, and ultimately from pure price competition, to the comprehensive competitive price, quality, brand and so on. In recent years, the District's LED industry takes shape, the basic formation of the industrial chain, currently directly involved in the development of semiconductor lighting technology and product production and application of dozens of companies gathered Saman electronics, lighting equipment and a number of Samick leader .

"Our products are sold in the country of nearly 20 million. Currently some public building in Tianjin Development Zone, Tianjin Eco-city's facilities and businesses large number of applications of ourflexible led strip products.