How LED lighting entrepreneurs make strategic decisions?

Throughout the course of business, money plays a small business to do big, from weak to strong a witness, it is the business realize the value of a prop business goals. Role in the enterprise as the ratio of the human body is like flowing blood. Only the constant flow of blood in the body, life was able to continue, but not in one's life blood for the purpose, it is just an integral part of our lives, we still thought there goals and values ​​in life. The amount of blood and the body weight is a certain proportion is not better.
When it comes to money off, where it has two meanings.

First, the corporate front, LED lighting companies to operate it is necessary to liquidity and capital reserves to ensure the healthy development of enterprises, and not because of lack of funds led to a corporate enterprise operational difficulties. And this fund consists of two elements, one of the original investment business, the second is the creation of the enterprise itself constantly in the process of development and accumulated profits, as we have humanity itself as hematopoietic function, rather than the need for continuous injection of external funds.

Second, as entrepreneurs, we must shut over money. We can not put money as the sole pursuit of personal goals, in this regard, was later hailed as "commercial holy" Fan Li gave us did a very good example. Fan Li migratory life three times, each time migration because of his vast wealth accumulated at the local, wealthy, reached the pinnacle of life, he knew the truth extremes meet, bring disaster to eliminate successful, Fan Li Zhangyishucai, charity, every before the migration times will put their possessions accumulated over millions of donated out. Fan Li three migration in Vietnam as Fan Li, Yi Qi for the owl child, in Wu Tao Zhu. Historian Sima Qian said: "Fan Li Rong Jie moved three names." The reputation of the world: "loyalty that country; wisdom to preserve one; providers to get rich, famous in the world." Entrepreneur if we could live off the money, so that can be hired able to retire, to be able to much less, then, is not only our business bigger and stronger, but also because LED lighting entrepreneurial careers and reputation spread far and wide.

When we understand the relationship between money and corporate and individual, how to deal with the relationship between enterprises and banks, we will be able to properly treat and grasp. In fact, for a healthy LED lighting companies, is not required to purchase price, as a healthy person is not required blood transfusion, businesses should be based on the size of the operators ability to operate naturally LED lighting business, the ability of operators strength is proportional to the size of the enterprise. Like a person can only be a good mayor, insisted to let him go when the county, a county suddenly let go when the governor, as he might do it handy in the original position, but it is beyond the scope of his ability he is likely to do well. In fact, doing business is the same, we must do business in accordance with its own laws according to their comprehensive ability, so that the vitality of enterprises will be strong, despite the LED lighting business is not necessarily great, but it certainly is very strong. We run together so it will feel very relaxed. But unfortunately, many people do not understand this truth, no matter how much ability they have, trying to seek personal gain, one-sided emphasis on "high, big on," As everyone knows, beyond a matter within the scope of their abilities will be powerless. Doing business is the same, LED lighting business is not always better, and LED lighting companies comprehensive ability to match a team like.

Bank for LED lighting companies, is like a blood bank, real LED lighting business is healthy do not need a blood transfusion, if an LED lighting company itself is not immune and hematopoietic function, even constantly give him a blood transfusion is of no use, only accelerate the LED lighting business of death. Additionally, the bank is not free agency, if an LED lighting business for transfusion dependence, once the bank to stop the transfusion immediately enterprises facing difficulties. The so-called "as also Xiao, Xiao He lost to" not surprising.

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