LED lighting era of marketing breaking

Now the lighting industry is growing at rapid , Cuikulaxiu trend completion of industrial upgrading and transformation , traditional marketing methods , although effective , useful but limited. If you or the continuation of the previous play, bound to be less effective.
For example, focus on the job , is the industry's short-term market development of useful tools . Who want to explore the market in the corporate sector , all focused on the job as a primary means to break through . But , I think , "focus on jobs " is a live burn , or the continuation of traditional marketing 2.0 era "industrial thinking ," Now is the era of marketing 3.0 , LED market breakthrough , a breakthrough is bound to precision marketing .

So , LED era of universal application , how to market it in the end to upgrade the marketing of breaking , you can start from the following aspects ? :

First, starting from the channel change , a plan to go to a hybrid channel model of the road.

This is certainly is a second and third line brands , as the leading brand in line and the system has been improved channel model . Second-tier brands to achieve marketing breakthrough . Hybrid channel model is the way out . Hybrid channel model is not a single model , but a place a policy , choose the best channel model in the region . For example, a small regional agency model, product differentiation agent channel mode , AG mode, branch pattern , light -intensive distribution model , the traditional agency model , direct supply mode. Lighting industry brands and traditional industry brands, all based on the formation of their own channel and brand advantage.

Second, the marketing model innovation. Lighting industry currently second and third tier brands have been difficult, hard to break .

Environment factors aside aside, the purpose of marketing a single level, narrower than vision , one by one they all learn the industry brands. Notice now the time to learn industry brands has passed. Miss the most optimal time , the effects are greatly reduced , the cost is increased significantly. Therefore , innovative marketing mode , take a suitable way , is the primary problem marketers need to think about the future. So how innovation? Paying attention to companies outside the lighting industry , such as household appliances, FMCG , Internet industry . Learn from these industries , digestion and absorption of new ideas and methods , so as to have all . Marketing innovation , is roughly two levels oriented, innovative marketing model first, such as home appliance industry associates that year model . One innovative marketing tools , such as store model year , outdoor promotion model . Now these patterns seem monotonous and old. However, other industries, such as home appliance industry , there must be some means can learn from.

Third level marketing executive power to create .

All understand the truth , as long as the repeated and intensive training can instill . But according to the author's observation , many manufacturers do not lack strategy is the lack of a consistent execution of . Many ideas looks beautiful, sounds very attractive, but one market , but always "hard" it up. Ultimately, the lack of execution is fundamental. Of course, the potential for problems to perform force behind the more limited to the length of this article , not repeat them.

Fourth, the ability to create marketing . LED

Lighting industry marketing , for second-tier brands, go early promotion model Volkswagen brand is almost impossible , so the first step for the industry segments smaller brands not a bad idea . Although you can learn ways to promote the Internet industry, household appliances , but more important , or in the terminal extension to the number of terminals and terminal quality to enhance brand exposure.

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Why are many brands of Chinese lighting , the first camp Op and NVC can Yiqijuechen , leading second camp ten times sales ? Why Lexus , the legendary phoenix light , rectangular , wood Linsen holding a high hit sales channels so troubled ? Because the single-store dealer profitability is poor. Dealers do not want to make money? Certainly not !
Why do dealers make money ? For the following reasons : The first pre-promotion difficult , late delivery is not timely ; second finally on the right track , upstream manufacturers price adjustment without subsidies ; third terminal image and brand advertising is a latecomer to conceal ; fourth dealers choice too , always want inclusive, finally nothing.

Yan Ying research team said: single-store profit model determines the quantity and quality of store brands . First, review the lighting industry walked away , never, come . Its Pro Yuan Xian fish , as retreat webs . Ying Yan team believes , LED lighting is about to usher in a new "single- store profit model " as the core of a new competitive battle for market share .

Throughout these years, the domestic LED lighting business success or failure , summed up saying: What kind of boss, what kind of business ; what kind of team , what kind of dealer ; What kind of distribution providers, there is what kind of store ; What kind of store, what kind of sales. And what kind of original dealer what kind of sales have become the past.

The full co-marketing model is the Eagle team to help autrans lighting geese stand out a weapon. Beginning in 2007 , " co-marketing center " This represents the "full co-marketing model" organization name began to be used in a new round of business . Such as: autrans lighting, SFT lighting, Bronte lighting, Kaman lighting, lighting nature , Manjia lighting and so on. There are a number of brands under the influence of the Eagle team and autrans of geese using this model , such Jonsson , Akita , Kwong and so on. But all of these companies do not have to achieve greater breakthroughs in sales. Why ? If the problem is not a model strategy that team execution problems.

The full co-marketing is the best mode does not depend on the manufacturers merchants

Manufacturers throughout the co-marketing is the best model is not dependent businesses , who in the world was a model for regional replication mode , there is no risk of the investment model , proved successful marketing model multiple manufacturers. There are three major projects throughout the co-marketing : a smooth channel engineering, star of the terminal project , staff training projects.

And three projects in two stages: the first stage, in order to smooth channel works as the goal, the core of the star terminal project to project as a means of staff training . There are two main channels open project specific performance standards: team battle and conference marketing . Most domestic lighting companies remain in this channel is smooth project at this stage . That's why I can not break through the three million reasons.

LED lighting if you want to break 3 million , the second phase of the whole co-marketing : a single-store profitability targets ; terminal project to star as the core ; engineering as a means to full training .

Stars terminal project specific core has two indicators: the degree of brand name and the success rate of devaluation , the core staff training project is to build execution . Brand awareness by businesses to produce tension on consumer purchase behavior , through branding, advertising , public relations , sales promotion , display available. The success rate is the most important for consumers to buy produce thrust by the retailer's terminal , through stores , goods, shopping guide , service, management obtained . Object order full training project is the " dealer training " , " store manager training " "Gold Purchasing Guide training " to enhance " the most important success rate " as the main achievement of the objectives of the training requirements of staff training project : standardization, specialization , career , differentiated and personalized.

Currently, the team is full assistance eagle geese Langshi , Delta , Fortes , Southeast and other companies to create a single-store profit model , these profound knowledge of the business will give the industry a bright spot.

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