LED lighting industry has four major unspoken rule

Unspoken rule is everywhere, not limited to officialdom, lighting lighting industry is also full of unspoken rule. If you want to in the industry mix, unspoken rule is a required course, otherwise it will fall.

Small make up, found that the lighting industry has four major unspoken rule:

1, buy a lamp only buy the lamp bracket light source with

In the various phenomena in some veteran dealer body, they be very careful in reckoning, in the pursuit of profit maximization, and light source lamp bracket buy separately. Because the lamp holder relates to electroplating, metal, welding, the dealer is very difficult to get, so they from other parts to reduce costs.

2, the price of virtual high is like selling clothes

Perhaps the life you have been accustomed to the garment industry disorderly price, but when you walked into the lighting industry, please remember this unspoken rule also applies.

Lighting products in itself is not a stereotyped products, there are some artistic taste, the price there is no uniform standard, so manufacturers it is difficult to clearly price. Abruptly so, is marked a high price, and then give you a discount. If you have a lower price, and then used to discount the customers will stick to you. According to industry sources, the price of more than one thousand of the actual price is a few hundred lamps. In fact the empty high price if manufacturers do, some dealers also stick closely to the pattern given.

3, energy-saving lamps virtual standard power to raise prices

In the field of energy-saving lamps, each enterprise almost hit three primary colors are called, mark the mercury content of less than many, but the actual situation, their heart, what is more serious is that some manufacturers false power six watts to ten watts, ten watts, fifteen watts Watts said, the higher the higher sale price. Anyway, people generally don't go to measurement, measurement also need professional tools. In the increasingly competitive circumstances, false power into enterprise add another means of profit.

4, buy lamps do not pack installed after sale service does not have safeguard

In order to achieve the effect of no damage, best to install lighting products by professional staff. In order to reduce the after sale service, dealers saved a lot of expense. After sale service is the tool manufacturers and customers to communicate, eventually became the tool to extract the consumer.

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