Large LED display stitching program

With the spacing smaller LED screen , LED pixel matrix density per unit area under increasingly high. Therefore, the demand for large outdoor performance stage , an indoor theater, the stage show , command system is concerned, a number of pixels LED display will often exceed the load capacity of a LED sending cards. In this case , in order to drive greater LED display, common practice in the industry there are the following two:

First, using a cascade send cards to complete the project. For this approach , sending card cascade load area can only be limited to a single LED video processor maximum output range.

Second, the use of stitching to complete the project . For this way , most people will feel the high cost and complicated to operate . Because the current splicer is mainly designed for the LCD screen market , if the application in which the LED display stitching projects , regardless of price or features are not matching.

So, is there a low-cost , effective, and no load size limits options? The answer is yes. Such a scheme will be introduced following the author , namely by stitching large LED display LED video processor .

LED video processor , as part of the LED display system , has been known to everyone , his main function is to different types of signal sources, through transformation, converting LED display can accept video format, many applications have use to . If the built-in multi-screen video processor stitching function , so that both can be used alone , driving a single block LED display , and can be used in combination , it will be brought uploaded LED display, as a whole large LED display part of the display part of the screen , so do not aim to achieve a low-cost yet . Block diagram of the entire program is as follows :

LED video processor currently on the market there with stitching function, but the function is simple , the operation is very complicated. This is mainly because there is not a good solution to two problems :

One can not easily calculate the seam of each part of the LED display.

Second, after successfully calculated the seam , the still image is displayed correctly, but when encountered motion picture , the image will appear seam position fragmented , seriously affect the overall feeling of the screen.

It is because of these two reasons, the LED video processor when doing stitching , the effect is not very good .

LED video processor provides two splicing , are " equally stitching " and " unequal stitching ." " Decile stitching " feature applies to each set of LED video processor with horizontal and vertical dots display points are fully consistent application environment ; " unequal stitching " feature applies to each of the LED video processor load display horizontal and vertical dots dots are inconsistent application environment.

Both functional parameters are simple , easy to operate, according to the user's needs intelligent image signal cut portfolio and make sure to do a seamless connection between the screen and the screen , each frame of the video signal are completely synchronized.

Aliquots stitching Features:

Under the " attainment stitching " state , you only need to adjust the three parameters , you can complete the stitching LED screen :

First, the splice location : Select the entire mosaic image of the current display position the video processor , as shown in Figure 2, the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 64.

Second, the level of splicing : Select decile stitching , the total number of horizontal video processor , a minimum of one and a maximum of 8.

Third, the vertical mosaic : Select decile stitching , the total number of vertical video processor , a minimum of one and a maximum of 8.

Unequal stitching Features:

Unequal stitching state, need to adjust the six parameters , complete the LED screen display settings ;

A level of total points : When the time for splicing unequal actual LED display in the horizontal direction on the physical points.

Second, the Vertical Total Points: When performing unequal stitching , when the actual LED display in the vertical direction on the physical points.

Third, the horizontal start : When performing unequal splicing , when the level of the starting position of the display area controlled by the video processor to the upper left corner as the origin of the LED display ( starting level 0 ) .

Fourth, the vertical start : When performing unequal stitching when the vertical starting position of the display area controlled by the video processor to the upper left corner as the origin of the LED display ( vertical start 0 ) .

V. area width : the video display area of the control processor to display in the horizontal direction points.

Six regional Height: display area controlled by the video processor in the vertical direction display points.
The maximum number of points to 24,576 × 24,576 driven LED screen . In terms of P6 screen , for example, can support up to 148 × 148 -meter LED display area , you can easily complete the stitching settings oversized LED display in the field can greatly reduce debugging time , we can say is a simple, practical, reliable , low-cost LED display splicing program .

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