About Sailfish OS platform 5 Things You Should Know

In 2013, we have seen some new smart phone platform to join the competition, including the Firefox OS, Ubuntu and Tizen and so on. And in recent days, from Finland Jolla company released MeeGo-based system developed by Sailfish OS, and launched the first Jolla phone. This machine has a 4.5 inches 720P resolution touch screen, built-in dual-core processor, and offers 16GB of ROM capacity and support for memory expansion. In addition, it has a 800-megapixel camera, and support the replacement of the battery. Jolla phone will be officially listed in the fourth quarter of this year, priced at 399 euros (about 3159 yuan). Well, Jolla phone what is with what characteristics? The following is about the Sailfish OS 5 things you should know:

1 application compatible with Android

Compatible with Android applications, is one of the biggest selling points Sailfish OS. This means that when you buy a Jolla phone, you can directly from Google Paly application store to download apps, over 800,000 models of applications and games for a new platform for mobile phones, it is a great advantage. According Jolla company claims not need to use third-party solution to install Android applications, and for open software providers, should be able to easily port applications to Sailfish OS in.

(2) Based on the Linux kernel source

Sailfish OS is based on open-source Linux operating system kernel development, which means it can support both ARM and X86 architecture of the device. In addition, it is also a derivative version of MeeGo, and has a similar user interface. These features illustrate, Sailfish OS like Ubuntu and Firefox OS, users can get the source code support to the development or operation of a variety of customization, freedom is much higher than Apple iOS.

3 full gesture interface

BlackBerry 10 system with similar, Sailfish OS also uses a full gesture user interface, with no physical buttons. For example, from the main screen, you can access the application launcher sliding around, you can return to the main screen, slide down, similar to the previous Nokia N9. In the contact function will be on the menu and slide your finger on, you can see a number of editing options, an option you want to edit the content, you can just drag down; You can also drag the program and has been from the Slide left to right, to achieve exit.

4 shortcuts

Sailfish OS full gesture-based user interface, so you will often use double-click, press, slide and drag, in addition, Jolla company also carried out some optimization of the system, adding a shortcut functions. In any application interface, you can slide from the right to the center of the screen and hold, we can see the phone's notification bar, apparently the network, batteries and other information; when your finger leaves the screen, it will return to the application interface.

5 supports Tablet PC

Although Jolla company will focus on the smart phone market products, but in fact, as early as last November, Jolla has expressly Sailfish OS can also be applied on a tablet. Of course, Sailfish OS Tablet PC may not occur in the near future, because the smart platform competition is still very intense, we do not determine Jolla phones in the market will be what kind of performance. Even if Firefox OS and other well-known platforms, with the heyday of the Android competition is still very difficult. According to IDC market research Center data show that, Firefox OS and Tizen system from Samsung is expected within five years, will receive 5% of the smartphone market share, while Sailfish OS and Ubuntu have yet to enter the list of companies in the survey, the outlook is uncertain.

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