Retina screen that Apple will push thinner MBP upgraded camera

Apple WWDC conference held soon, many people are under the label outside the Apple WWDC that iOS 7 and OS X systems will be released, but users who are looking forward to the new products. Abroad has been reported that this year's WWDC conference, Apple may launch a more lightweight Retina screen MacBook Pro, and upgraded camera.

Well-known analyst Kuo Ming-Chi (Ming Chi Kuo) believes that the WWDC conference Apple will launch a slight adjustment and upgrade of the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops, where 13 inches MacBook Pro Retina screen will use more lightweight design, making it more portable.

In addition, there is news that Apple will predict the entire department for the MacBook product to upgrade the front of the FaceTime camera, using the new sensor makes the picture quality from 720p up to 1080p, easy for users to obtain a more clear and true, high-quality images.

Of course, Apple would certainly have to put on the latest line of MacBook notebook Intel Haswell chip, resulting in enhanced performance, lower power consumption and longer battery life.

Awaited: iOS7 WWDC will be coming out with the OSX system

According to CNET News the latest news, Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC2013) What upcoming new hill in the network caused by hot, June 8, rumored to have been at the venue to take iOS 7 and OS X System Identification can already be fairly certain that this conference is about to release these two products.

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC2013) will be in Beijing at 1:00 on June 11 opening, although ostensibly Apple's new tight-lipped, but based on past experience, in the General Assembly site layout will leak out some information. Some people at the meeting venue in San Francisco Moskow Nissi center shot to the two new banners, 7 obviously means that iOS 7, and X is a Mac OS X, meaning that the rumors of the upcoming OS X 10.9, they can already compare OK, this conference is about to release these two products.

In the previous rumors, Apple's new iOS 7 will use the idea of ​​minimalism, the icon flattened. And what OS X 10.9 will have new features without too sure on the rumors.

Another rumor said that this year's WWDC will release new MacBook, in addition, there will be any new products, we look forward to "One more thing".

Distributors: Apple Air will update designs have changed

Domestic an Apple notebook distributors ZOL said the company has received Apple's new MacBook Air product information. From SKU (Product Code) point of view, this should be different from the previous mold products, you can guess, the appearance of the new MacBook Air will change.

In addition, the product has also been submitted to the order price distributors. From the price of the product point of view, between 13.3 inches Retina display MacBook Pro and MacBook Air 13.3 inches between. Can be predicted, the newly designed MacBook Air price will be higher than the cash Air Products. However, in view of the constraints of confidentiality agreements, and all the details about the new products, price information, have to wait until after the WWDC conference to announce.

There are IT media person said, there are already a number of Apple dealer staff revealed that Apple Air some models already in liquidation inventory stage. Apple has been stopped on the 13.3-inch Air supply. Based on past experience, this move may be to the upcoming release of the new Air next month to pave the way.

Previous message, according to foreign technology site AppleInsider reported, MacConnection and other large online retailers MacBook Air (13.3 英寸 1.8GHz processor +256 GB SSD) inventory sold out, remaining a Best Buy stock. Authorized dealer inventory reduction has always been a product upgrade will bring one of the signals. The previous generation MacBook Air released in June last year, Apple's WWDC developer conference also about to open, and we may see in this Assembly emergence of new MacBook Air.

ZOL evaluation edit analysis, for the next generation MacBook Air, one is added to the user's expectations Retina display. However, this display endurance and body thickness for equipment are not a small burden, but also inevitably pulled costs. However, in view of Intel's latest processor platform Haswell excellent performance, and strong core graphics performance, the new Air if released, will bring surprises.

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