Everyone spend SSD come of age?

Samsung quietly released three magical words with potential: "SSDs for everyone" (Everyone spend SSD). SSD has long been present as a mechanical hard drive's successor, has been entrusted with a high-speed and stable storage speed brings good user experience on the entire PC industry has brought a revolutionary change in the mission. Last Thursday in Seoul, Samsung has released this new market slogan, this slogan also marks the company will focus on the SSD spread to as many users, and ultimately achieve the objectives as stated in the slogan "everyone" . But for this large suppliers, whether some rhetoric? Or are we already in the era of the SSD?

From magnetic disk to SSD has been steadily carried out over several years. Such as The Tech Report's Scott Wasson said, "According to Moore's Law, the price of flash memory is gradually reduced, so every two years for every dollar spent you can buy twice the original capacity of the hard disk." SSD on the unit gigabyte prices have been declining, while the traditional hard drive, innovation speed is getting slower and slower. In fact, in the field of hard disk technology, the greatest progress is none other than apples Fusion Drives, SSD and traditional hard integration will thus get a higher speed and greater storage capacity.

Hard disk with SSD's performance may be difficult for confrontation, but for now, it is still quite a market in the PC industry, as they are usually at very low prices with a large storage capacity. AnandTech's Anand Shimpi spoke highly of SSD manufacturers are gradually narrowing spreads, but he also believed that "the same hard drive and SSD storage capacity compared to the price difference is huge." EVO Samsung's new production line and Crucial M500 series are provided 1TB of fast storage (price of 63 cents per gigabyte (about 4 yuan), but the price is much higher than the price of hard drives. Scott Wasson also agree to the PC industry, SSD price gap is now needed to overcome the greatest difficulties. "Device manufacturers price is so sensitive that sometimes they simply unreasonable."

Online services such as Dropbox cloud disk as rapid growth, as well as Netflix streaming media strategy has the objective to reduce the consumers' demand for high-capacity local storage. In the past you will put your music library stored on the hard disk limited, but now, like Spotify, Google Music or Amazon Cloud Player lets you these services directly through the Internet, you want to hear the song. So if you just noisy large capacity HDD, a small capacity and high speed SSD to choose between, then with the passage of time is undoubtedly an advantage which will be more.

PC Magazin desktop analyst director Joel Santo Domingo on the development of the SSD has a strong faith, he believes that "the mobile user has been their mobile phone, tablet, to develop a light up the screen at any time, at any time to open the habit of playing." - And this is precisely what the two most important advantage of SSD. He agreed with the Parm Mann from Hexus view, Parm Mann that, "64GB of flash memory to complete the original 320GB hard drive can accomplish things: to meet the basic needs of a notebook." Santo Domingo stressed that such a configuration has its reason But Mann believes that before the end of 2014, large-scale HDD applications should not come.

For laptop devices, "Mass Storage can still profit in the sale," Santo Domingo found in online stores is easier to sell a larger hard drive storage capacity, compared to a faster hard drive storage volume is less certain . If high-definition video war also taught us anything, it is nothing more than "a greater capacity, more sales."

Apple radical it notebooks, desktops, almost all products are put on a solid-state drive (SSD), in opposition to "bigger and better" attitude of this market. Nevertheless, Mac was never intended to occupy most of the market, which from its high pricing can also be seen. Samsung's current manifesto is more like a lofty ambition, rather than the actual statement. The South Korean company's own forecast in 2013 only 10% of the notebook will be equipped with solid-state hard drive, this ratio is quite low. Vice president of marketing Mang Kyong-moo expected 2015 or 2016, this figure may reach 30%.

Everyone should use the SSD: Because both from a technical level or practical applications, it is better than the hard drive, and it has a greater potential to be worth mining. However, the present situation is the SSD prices have not low enough, PC manufacturers can not flash like Samsung, as the depth of the development of investment, so the end user would be unable to understand the full benefits of SSD. The overall popularity of SSD should be in the near future, but can only stay in the future.

For how do we get that far, there is not a unified point of view. Scott Wasson that the mixed SSD / HHD

Storage solutions can be used as a sensible way to eliminate the transition period, you may need two or three years, or even four years. The Parm Mann believes that "PC industry will adopt the same storage solutions iPad model, in order to achieve maximum product storage capacity at the expense of light," but Anand Shimpi idea is: "cheap PC do not have to worry about the threat posed by SSD because they had already been Chromebook and tablet which has spent the SSD device took market. "

Whether we chose which way, but we all have the same goal, that is, "SSDs for everyone" (Everyone spend SSD).

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