Wind power slip ring crystal Pei Electronics

The grain Pei wind energy slip ring with great resistance to low temperature, higher humidity, wind resistance , corrosion resistance, influence resistance, anti-vibration , stable efficiency, no maintenance and also other traits , the service life of as much as 20 years or millions rpm. Jing Pei Electronics is tailored to a range of wind energy equipment suppliers specifications wind energy slip rings, the Wind Turbine Slip Rings bears the complete system power, manage signals and data transmission capabilities, will be the complete wind turbine system is quite vital element, the precision , reliability and operating life of a direct impact around the functionality on the wind energy system . Wind power generation systems for precise application specifications at the same time as China 's actual use of the environment , Jing Pei Electronics R & D team are specially designed and developed China 's wind energy generation program dedicated slip ring . Key main material using imported materials , the internal built with advanced production gear and a variety of slip rings for wind power efficiency testing system , crystal Pei Electronics is tailored to several different wind energy equipment manufacturers specifications wind energy slip rings, is widely used in the energy generation power 600KW- -5MW wind energy generation method . Options include cable length , connection, encoder type , pressure + information transmission , high-voltage current (300A) and so on . Wind power slip ring the normal operation with the motor there is a great relationship. Brush unit pressure should be " brush technical functionality table " to choose. For higher speed motor or work under conditions of vibration motor units should increase the pressure in order to ensure normal operation . Around the same principle of optical slip ring motors should use the same type of brush . Different types of brushes , such as the absence of special circumstances can not be used around the same motor , otherwise it is prone to failure. For individual commutation particularly difficult medium-sized motor, can double vessel brush , slide it into the side using lubricating properties, slide side using a strong ability to suppress sparks brush , so that the brush runs improved.