Buy conductive slip ring , how to avoid misunderstanding ?

Slip ring , as the body responsible for the rotator connectivity , energy and signal transmission electrical components , along with the development of technology , slip ring all walks of life have been more and more attention, so the purchase slip ring, how to avoid some common misunderstanding , so buy it for their own slip ring ? Here's a brief summary of a few , for your reference !

A Brand Mistakes

Many times we believe that domestic products are not practical , or even can not be used ; Jing Pei this successful development and strict control of product quality make this brand Mistakes slowly fade , crystal Pei has become the first-line brand , which is also the company has been recognized by international peers .

Second, the precision errors

When everyone in the choice of products , always thought accuracy is the most important ; fact, from a certain perspective : Stability is more important than the product accuracy , precision selection should be based on the basis of high stability .

Third, the pursuit of cheap

Inexpensive is everyone 's wish to pursue ; But in fact, high-quality products destined determines its price will be relatively higher. There exist a number of factors , such as: high raw material costs , machine costs , tooling costs , material and manpower needs.

Fourth, after-sales service

Slip ring is different from other products Pan Cake Slip Rings , so choose your own slip ring products are important: the appropriate range , the proper accuracy , appropriate installation method, suitable output , etc., can affect the product 's performance.