How to choose the slip ring manufacturer

Today, the manufacturers do slip ring more and more users choose to cooperate when manufacturers will often confused and do not know how to choose the strength , product quality assured manufacturers. Although the slip ring is a very small parts, but the role of the device is great , directly affect the normal operation of equipment . Therefore, users need to be carefully considered. In the choice of supply manufacturers , they can be judged through the following points :

A first look at the slip ring factory established

On the site point of view, many established manufacturers did not take long to write is not explicitly established , so good judgment ! The factory was established for a long time , whether it is the design, development and other soft power will be more prominent. Founded more than a decade such as manufacturers , market-proven , higher reliability !

Second, look at the manufacturer's qualification

The manufacturer's Web site will have a variety of certification qualifications , the general will have ISO9001 certification , if the export manufacturers will have CE, FCC, ICE certification, if the manufacturers do better , there will be such Classification Society certification, military standard certification better qualifications.

Military standard certification is that manufacturers have to supply military units qualifications , indicating whether this factory product quality , the company strength , R & D strength, and some are very strong. Although many manufacturers are blowing themselves do Miniature Slip Rings , did not say that this certification is basically nothing !

Third, look at plant scale

Why do you say ? Because many companies own no strength, there may be roasted . Therefore, this verification is very necessary ! If you just watch the website or call to ask , we will say how much their factories many people , but if you show that you want to see the recent factory and see the reaction , estimated some people are not so sure the tone right away !

Fourth, service and price

About service , all manufacturers will say good time to buy is not sure it really good , with a then know ! So word of mouth will have to see .

As for the price , in the final analysis of the goods only, everyone wants Cheap , cheap and good quality through bore slip rings. The only human ! But two points is also often contradictory, the good old saying , no good goods cheaper . So the price is too low , the user want to make a question mark Think quality service in the end okay ? ? ? Of course, the price is too high and do not , customers are not fancy sheep slaughter . Affordable enough .

Considering the above points , the customer will be able to find quality and satisfaction of the manufacturers. Such as Shenzhen Jing Pei Electronics , regardless of the strength in the factory , R & D capabilities , product quality , service, customer word of mouth is good, recommend users to choose !