Select the motor slip ring should pay attention to what happens

In daily industrial production, the motor is running directly affect the company's efficiency levels, while the right choice brushless motor and stable operation of the motor has a very important impact , in addition to the manufacture of brushes used different materials and production technologies , lead to product quality varies greatly , so for electrical accessories should be selected carefully , from the global to consider their own specific needs as well as for carbon brush carbon brush quality requirements when installing brushes , mainly not to scratch the slip rings , whether the person equipment operation, prone to fire accidents
Therefore, in the preservation and use of electrical accessories should be special attention on only the thoughts are on the choice of motor parts and maintenance , to ensure it does not occur in the use of certain accidents .
First select electrical accessories when we must choose well-known manufacturers of products which are not cheaper plans and choose some small workshop production out of the defective goods , followed by the choice of the time also pay attention to select certain types of products to choose according to their needs own machine accessories, can not choose out of the machine parts are not suitable , forced to use the motor may cause fatal injuries . Finally motor parts in the maintenance should also be special attention because motor parts are relatively delicate objects , so if there is dust on accessories , then there could cause some damage to the motor , localized cooling enough, or some parts of the current distribution not uniform , so it will cause damage to the motor slip ring assembly ,
The selection and maintenance of motor parts have some basic methods , and only in accordance with the method of walking will not cause harm to the motor , if not pay attention to these details , then it may be unintended consequences.