Slip ring selection and reasonable prices

Slip sliding electrical contact ring belonging to connect applications category, which is also called collector ring , also known as rotary joints , rotary electrical interface, slip ring , slip ring , ring reflow , coils, commutator , the adapter is to achieve two a relative rotation mechanism precision signal transmission and power transmission means . Particularly suitable for continuous rotation applied unlimited , while from a stationary to a rotating means transmit power or data. Its surface material by a sliding electric shock - conductive ring , insulation materials , fasteners and other components , and its ancillary equipment for the brush, brush holder was " human" shape with a symmetrical double slip ring contacts , with the pressure of carbon brushes and slip ring slip contacts to pass current , a variety of precision turntable , centrifuges and key devices inertial navigation equipment . It can be widely used in security, factory automation , power, finance, instrumentation, chemical, metallurgy, medical, aerospace , military , marine, transportation , construction and other mechanical and electrical equipment .

Slip ring in the selection, the following points need to be noted that it may lead to improper selection affect customers using : field work status slip ring : speed, temperature, ambient water vapor content , the cable toward the scene , the scene power and signal current, voltage, how to improve the reliability of the precious metal wire slip ring ; precious metal wire to provide a reliable slip ring must be from the following aspects : the precious metal wire slip ring slip ring compared with mercury , the following Features:
1 slip ring containing toxic metals mercury mercury , environmental damage, poor maintainability .
2 mercury slip rings slip ring with precious metal wire compared to electromagnetic interference is difficult to solve
In the loop for a long time , such as dozens of loops, mercury slip ring can not be solved in general, and the small number of loop current is large .