Benefit from rising prices of rare earth permanent magnet

According to First Financial Daily reported on June 29 , yesterday , in the great wisdom of all the concept of plate 126 , there are 90 sections rosy , and permanent magnet suppliers plate eventually rose to 2.32 percent ranked first in all sectors . In the rare earth permanent magnet plate 21 stocks, only three stocks fell , all of the remaining 18 stocks rose . Rising colored , Tibet's development , Baotou Steel Rare Earth and Dingli shares were up 7.33% , 5.3%, 4.55% and 3.25% .

CITIC Securities nonferrous metals Weekly published June 27 pointed out last week, rare earth prices continue to maintain rapid growth , removing the outer rare earth carbonate minerals, all other kinds of rare earth prices has a different rate of increase. Where the heavy rare earth prices continued last week rally, europium oxide, Intuit , dysprosium oxide and dysprosium rate of increase since the beginning of all the more than 600 %.

CSC Zhang Fang pointed out that the domestic rare earth prices remain strong , especially europium oxide prices accelerated in June rose 93% . The reason is that the integration of the Southern heavy rare earths speed , so rich in yttrium europium ore supply tight. Lanthanum oxide , cerium oxide prices in June began to fall , and fall related downstream ceramic industry boom .

SW Ye Peipei pointed out that the integration is expected to make rare earth prices continued to rise , the trend of each species diverged . Dividend policy through the "Twelve Five " China advantage resource supply is limited, while new industries will promote the application of rare small metal explosive growth . In addition to the rare earth sector to maintain a high upside boom givers, promising tungsten, molybdenum , antimony , indium and germanium tin " class rare earth" variety.neodymium rare earth magnets