LED lighting business electricity supplier of immaturity

There is no doubt that the rapid development of e-commerce make a lot of traditional companies see hope , they are excited and thrilled . Indeed, many traditional companies have years of brand accumulation and precipitation, there is a deep understanding of the product , has the advantage of cost control , they seem a lot easier to enter e-commerce . But in fact, they have encountered many difficulties and setbacks in the development of the electricity supplier .

Summarized points:

First, because business owners lack the understanding of e-commerce . They thought the last set of product development and sales of products on the Internet could not handle it. What are the reasons? Traditional enterprises lack the Internet thinking. Internet has been a very popular thinking is one word , I understand it 's very simple, interactive and emotional marketing, marketing story . On the network you sell products , the product is no longer stiff , but one vivid story is sincere emotion , you have to build and consumers really emotional resonance .

The second is that companies generally have quick success psychology. Boss finalized, start electricity supplier , began with great fanfare set up the team , ready stock , hoping to earn a short pours . In fact, this is typical of a quick buck mentality. Traditional companies into line, a completely unfamiliar environment, coupled with the fierce market competition , will take a long learning curve . If the boss over the pursuit of sales and market share , is likely to get its eggs , kill off an excellent electricity supplier brands. The correct approach should be gradual, focus on the future , through this channel electricity supplier , the brand can be quickly recognized and accepted by consumers , can bring tremendous value-added products , such publicity is great.

Third , the lack of holistic thinking. When it comes to e-commerce, many companies understand that Lynx or Jingdong, or micro-channel , in fact, this is an extremely one-sided thinking. E-commerce is a systematic process that is the whole network marketing . What is the whole network marketing ? It is directly connected to the next computer , phone and cable, a blend of traditional Internet and mobile Internet terminals physical store, you can share data on different platforms. A series of e-commerce content will product planning , product development, site construction , shop operations , branding , product distribution , such as integrated in one. This complex of traditional enterprise marketing mode will give more imagination , while accelerating the process of traditional electricity supplier companies .
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