LED gas station effectiveness analysis of new media

Through a second-tier cities 18-60 years resident in the study found that the gas station is in the first camp, the media has been contacting various media arrival rate, followed by the first camp district LED large screen, radio (traffic frequency), outdoor Lightbox / big, elevator LCD / poster media, media stations.
Survey shows that 75% of users have access to the gas station LED screen advertising, they think new media advertising eye-catching LED gas station, update fast, high reliability, product and brand image enhancing effect. Surveyed advertisers and scholars, new media LED gas station precise and strong, good coverage of the car owners. LED gas station is ideal for the automotive industry of new media can be used in the new car market, product promotion, brand exposure, image transmission, or to inform the second car for active people, service, and financial policies, promotion of high-end products. Similarly, gas stations also apply to new media LED automotive peripheral industries, real estate, FMCG, finance, medicine, entertainment and other industries.

LED gas station has a potential value of new media. Currently stations are constantly scale new media network building, once a larger scale, will form a considerable influence. With the purchase of the policy implementation, how to pull the car's increased redemption is a problem mostly automotive advertisers need to consider. Meanwhile, LED gas station on the new interactive media to be strengthened, such as a combination of online and offline activities to enhance the trust and goodwill of the audience, combined with public service information, publish relevant information to enhance life correlation with the audience and so on.

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