Microsoft Surface Pro ultra-extreme wrong you have it?

The Surface Pro after half a year before an official from the concept of the product into the consumer electronics market. Microsoft official has confirmed the first to open the sales activities in the North American market will start from February 9, and the pricing of $ 899 (about 5590 yuan). It is this price, attracted outsiders to impose on Microsoft vocal opposition. PCMag editor John C. Dvorak also issued a document specifically discuss the confusing pricing strategies of Surface Pro.

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I was not too aware of Microsoft's pricing scheme, but the impression there are some more or less nothing wrong. The high price of $ 899 is difficult to accept.

The past, Microsoft as a monopolist in the competition there are a lot of advantages, but now it has been overtaken by events. In the the Microsoft usual means lowball competition once tested. Encyclopedia of the compact disc era battle for the market, Microsoft by false Encarta Encyclopedia price, low prices for PC makers bindings sales, almost down to the ground all the competitors that in quite a long period of time, Microsoft's business not subject to any external shocks. But in the latter part of Microsoft because of some unfavorable factors, the change from the initial sale of CD online sales this service. Finally, in 2009, Microsoft lost interest in the Encarta Encyclopedia and the option to turn it off.

Microsoft is interested in one thing to lose interest comes and goes quickly, but in the process, the market as a whole, however, created an extremely negative impact. But not like before so exaggerated. Seems Microsoft also has on lowball the means lost interest.

X86-based Surface obviously should be priced at less than $ 899. Extremely price sensitive people may think, Surface Pro can be sold for $ 399, I will not hesitate to start, and that this product is popular around the world. You can find prices for consumers overkill. Fare increase to $ 499 but for me, it has been very expensive, not to mention Microsoft released $ 899.

Conversely Surface Pro official selling price, technology vendors in the past, there is an unwritten rule, the retail price of the product should be controlled in less than four times the cost of parts. And this should not include product development and production costs, do not tell me to mention what software costs.

Over the past 10 years, many illustrations show the manufacturer of the product retail price is actually three times the cost of parts. According to this logic, the price of nearly $ 900 Surface Pro parts cost should be around $ 300, and that if this is the case, I really can not find Microsoft say no to bite the bullet Surface Pro $ 399 cheap sale strategy reasons. To know This can not only promote the sales of products, and compressed product component costs, and thus balance the operating profit. In addition, in today's smartphone market, the most expensive component costs can be controlled at about $ 75, which means that if in accordance with the unwritten rules of the technology vendors, the cheapest smartphone price up to $ 300, while the even 3 times the price of parts and components, the final price up to $ 225, so I still can not find can not be the cheapest smart phone parts cost control to $ 10 reason, after all these low-end machine is nothing more than chips and screens.

Above case seems a bit beside the point, but I would like to express is that if Microsoft want into the hardware game, but seems to exhibit a gentleman's demeanor, rather than the front we can see that unscrupulous lowball wear down competitors of Microsoft. This can be used as an excuse to sell at high prices?

In fact, a lot of people worried about nothing more than Surface Pro really sell $ 399, Microsoft may each device to a loss of $ 100 and even more profits, sales up, looks would be pretty good, it seems in line with the principle of small profits . But in fact, Microsoft is unwilling to do so because at this price point, the low price will not only get the demand and sales surge, the company's loss of profits will be infinitely magnified.

Microsoft Xbox 360 sales, taken in this way is similar, and thus the loss of a lot of profit, financial performance, indeed an absolute winner. The same thing can happen in the Surface Pro sales. Microsoft can rest assured that the low-priced sales, do not have to worry about the huge shipments lead to a large number of operating profit breakage limited delivery of goods can solve the contradiction between supply and demand and profit. This way, the opposite can also boost sales showing a trend of explosive growth, so that many Microsoft do.
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