Whether the SmCo magnets have effects on the human body

Effect of static magnetic field SmCo magnets for tissue is not too large, there are few mainstream scientific evidence to show that exposure to safety in the static magnetic field. But studies have shown that the electromagnetic radiation and cancer has correlation ratio.

If the eyewinker ferromagnetic body tissues, and samarium cobalt magnet magnetic field may have significant security risks.

Another and samarium cobalt magnets magnetic field related safety risk is the pacemaker. If the patient have a pacemaker, must be far away from the strong magnetic field environment. This is also a main reason MRI scans of patients installed pacemaker can not.

Sometimes, the child word occasionally swallow small magnets, if swallow more than one magnet above, could squeeze tissue can cause internal bleeding or perforation of the magnet by absorbing, if appear this kind of situation will endanger the life danger.