LED light G4 and G9 What does it mean , what's the difference ?

With the new municipal engineered around propulsion , LED lights become the absolute protagonist , shine. Meanwhile, with the constantly falling prices of industrial chain accessories , LED street prices are falling. In the case of low profits, the various components of the "downsizing " has become the choice for many companies , miniaturized LED drive power have come into being .

Miniaturization brings lower costs

Year of the Horse of the Year , the streets in less noisy fireworks in previous years , but like a lot of festive atmosphere. Instead colored colorful LED, from LED lights, landscape lights to some of the complex decorative LED lights .

LED lamps in this Spring Festival is grab the limelight , but also to the industry's enterprises for 2014 filled with more anticipation. " 2013 was the first year of LED lighting , 2014 is the sprint acceleration , the industry would be better to ' very unsuccessful ' ." Taiwan Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd., said Wu Qinghui , but also see last year's "筯量不筯收" phenomenon still exists , especially LED lights and its supporting industries.

With the falling price of LED lights , as one of the core components of the drive power is lower. "Last year, obviously LED power market oversupply , making about 50% of gross profit in the previous years, the overall decline of 10 percent ." Electronic continental Jiang Shuxing general manager , said the fierce price competition forcing companies to more aspects come from restructuring reduce costs.

LED lights are mainly used for outdoor lighting, use of the environment is more complex, wind and rain, sun and rain , very easy installation and maintenance , and maintenance costs are relatively high. So drive efficiency power supply itself , heat resistance, waterproof and comprehensive reliability becomes critical .

As the heart of LED lighting systems , power supply in the selection of raw materials, it can not be "saved" , then it can only be achieved by optimizing the structure " throttling ."

With the advances in nanotechnology and related micro- technology, miniaturization has become a trend in the future of the semiconductor industry . LED power supply miniaturization of microelectronics technology and the use of VLSI technology to further reduce the volume of supply , the price is further reduced.

The volume of existing power LED lights are usually larger , the shell is made of high quality aluminum. "If these ' big guys ' to shrink , not only can save a lot of costs under the shell of the Well ." Shenzhen Yi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. , chairman of the peak in the interview with our correspondents , said, " relying on the the accumulation of high-end micro- control technology , we have succeeded in 50W power do matchbox size . "

LED lights manufacturing cost of the power supply itself is on the one hand , the other on the LED streetlight installation and maintenance costs , which is not a small expenditure.

Miniaturization makes installation and maintenance easier

In the case of LED lights frequent quality problems , the use of miniaturized power LED is not only easy maintenance , but also can greatly reduce costs.

In October last year two workers died of electrocution Zhongshan tragedy when replacing the installation of LED lights , LED lights to replace in full swing the tide poured a pot of cold water. Although this accident is the main cause of human improper operation , but security LED power once again become the focus of attention.

" Repair rate remains high, causing some local governments to replace the LED lights start watching swing ." Jing Chen , general manager of Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Wang Xingang said that many have installed LED lights power emerged repair problems.

As the power LED lights are generally built into the lamp housing , conventional power not only occupy a larger space affect the overall cooling, but once the damage repair and replacement too much trouble . If this happened in miniaturized LED power these problems will be solved .

In LED lights costing that includes replacement due to failure to bring maintenance costs and manufacturing costs , while the former is also a large number of enterprises and the use of units rather streetlights bother .

It is understood that if the high temperature is not hot lamp beads and miniaturization power , LED lights , you can use a plastic shell , can greatly reduce the weight . This price is equivalent to the entire lamp will only cost the price of an ordinary lamp housing and replace it once the problem is quite simple.

Use some special material housing has LED lights can greatly reduce the weight . "Now the market has a very mature high thermal cooling kit made ​​of plastic shell , so that the lamp can reduce the weight of the entire third . 5000 volts and can also be resistant to high pressure , over safety is no problem ." Dongguan Pu Jin Tao Wan photoelectric general manager, said the question now is after other performance miniaturized power Can there be verified by safety regulations .

How far miniaturization of the road

Achieve miniaturization power performance in ensuring the premise , it is bound to IC technology and higher requirements . " By ordinary mains supply voltage instability, insecurity affecting various surge , at present, miniaturized LED power supply or can not do too much ." Chen Heng Sheng Technology Co., Ltd. , general manager of integrated dish of green by the said their latest research and development of high-voltage constant current driver IC segment also has a prominent application only in terms of power .

"LED street lamp power and high-power standards in terms of safety or has a relatively large difference as the cutoff point to 100W , 100W power supply following the safety regulations to meet UL1310 standard ;. 100W or more will have to comply with this standard UL8750 . At the same must be done IP67 waterproof grade basic level . " Lee Marketing Manager job base game West Laboratory , said at the figures on which we can see to the strict standards and more .

In addition to the technical aspects of high demand outside the high price is also one reason . "50W power supply miniaturization of existing technologies can basically be done, there are a few Taiwanese companies have launched a sample , but it is difficult to achieve a higher power ." Shenzhen Tong Pu Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman Panggui Wei said that even the miniaturized 50W LED drive power prices are more expensive , the production companies for their street lights did not really cost savings.

In the field of LED lights OEM successes Chen Kai Ming, general manager of Hua Puyong also agrees . As the LED lights ranked second ( 2013 Institute ranking ) focus on ODM manufacturers, Ming Hua Puyong cost control has a unique perspective . "Although the volume of miniaturized power supply is small, but there 's a variety of integrated components does not reduce because of the use of large integrated components , but to a higher price point ."

After a new technology to market , high prices is normal , due to technology and markets are not mature. But the miniaturization of modern electronics industry is inevitable , just as computer and communications equipment miniaturization , like when the market price will be rationalized once opened , so the LED lights power miniaturized popularity of the road is still some distance to go.

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