Microsoft this month will upgrade Win8 core applications to prepare for the Win Blue

Learned, Windows Blue is expected to be released this summer, and before the release of Microsoft Windows 8 operating system will be some of the main core application updates, and also users have been concerned about the problem.

According to related sources, updated core applications for the Windows 8 operating system, e-mail, calendar, music, games, and most likely this month will be completed.

Currently, Microsoft's official staff has not yet made any comment on the matter. One pair of "Blue" extremely concerned about the people who have said, "Blue" and other products launched by Microsoft, as it should be regarded as a Windows 8 and Windows RT updated version of the letter. This project is also being developed, no accident, then, will be released this summer.

Microsoft's official staff has said publicly that the Windows development team is already aware that Windows 8 and Windows RT core applications, there is still much room for development. Many users of the operating system applications such as music and message was very disappointed, those applications do not need to pay, they feel that their machine is more like a test version, rather than a complete full-featured version, not imagined so good.

August 1, 2012, Microsoft has issued a notice, will release Windows 8 and Windows RT operating system. October 26, 2012, the official from the sale of the operating system. Issued a notice to the official from the sale of this time, Microsoft has its core applications through small-scale perfection. After Xbox Music upgrade, in addition, you no longer have any as for the core application.

According to the latest news, Microsoft employees for system core application upgrades and development, the upgrade version will be released through the Windows Store application store.

Meanwhile, Microsoft also the Outlook client for Windows RT internal testing. But not yet determined whether it will become the object of commercial use, and I heard that this application may be its battery life.

Well, Windows 8 and Windows RT applications, there are some third-party applications, it is worth mentioning.

1.Stardock company recently launched a named ModernMix the beta version of the application. You can allow the Windows8 Metro full-screen applications run in the traditional desktop window, and can freely move its location. ModernMix will remember the size of the application window and closed last position, will appear every time you open last closed position. Windows8 application the upper right corner of the use of a part, be able to take us into the desktop mode again to restart the application, the application will remember the state it was in when it was last closed. The application of this test version is priced at $ 4.99 (Contract 31 yuan)

2.CDC (CDC), Department of Medical and public service, the Mayo Clinic and other medical institutions and companies to develop health applications of some Windows 8 Enterprise. Can understand the HIMSS (international healthcare membership organization) released news through this platform.

3.Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 online storage application, 3.Box (cloud storage platform) to add some new features, including new preview feature with Office functions.

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